The titles offered in this series are the collaboration of years of study by industrious Moors who have tried and tested their lessons learned. Using the Official Proclamation of Real Moorish American Nationality as the foundation, these books are presented to the interested so they may think and save themselves.
Subjecting a child to the process of establishing child support renders them a de jure ward of the state and the parents de jure wardens. That monthly pittance greases the path to state custody in the wake of the most minor mishap.
This first installment in Applies Solutions presents tactics--tried and successful--to assist good Moors with suggested steps should they find themselves subjected to this inquisition. Includes drafts successfully used to defeat a support case.
Bullying, promoting sexuality, absence of morality, implementation of sub-par curriculum. These are just a few of the issues plaguing U.S. public schools. The intentional targeting of indigenous children serves to compound an already frustrating situation.
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