Expanding on the gnosis of Holistic Philosophy 101, Bro. Talib offers more tools to make the most of your human machine. Using both physical and metaphysical applications, learn from a Moorish perspective how to ACTUALLY live your best life.
Beyond handshakes and secret passwords, "Isonomi" delves into the Moorish influence on *formerly* secret societies. For the adept and the student aiming to achieve that status.
This work was compiled for the sole purpose of helping cleanse the “Throne of God,” which is your consciousness that is housed and functions via your beautiful Mind, Body, and Soul. This is not an attempt to convince or condemn anyone nor anything, except the falsehood which are the results of lower-self. ~Talib Bey
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Free Digital Edition with Order
This work is a combination of philosophies that are proven and verifiable, designed to bridge the gap between the abstract and the concrete. Life is science and science is built with formulae and formulae produces results which manifest what we think, see and experience.
Califa Media Publishing
4315 Commerce Drive, Lafayette, Indiana 47905, United States